The ALS: Procedural Sedation Module covers pre-procedural considerations for the use of procedural sedation, including identification of the levels of sedation and when sedation becomes general anesthesia. The course describes how to evaluate patients prior to, during, and post-procedural sedation. It educates providers on equipment needed for monitoring patients, common medications to use, as well as reversal agents to have on hand to safely perform procedural sedation. Criteria for a safe discharge post-sedation is also covered.
This eLearning course features True Adaptive™ learning, where students follow a learning path personalized by their own inputs and self-reported confidence level.
After successfully completing this course, students should be able to:
• Explain the Pre-Procedure preparation for Procedural Sedation
• Describe the Intra-Procedural considerations for Procedural Sedation
• Describe the Post-Procedural considerations for Procedural Sedation
This self-directed module is designed for advanced healthcare providers who are seeking additional content beyond ACLS and Continuing Education (CE) credit.
The intended audiences for ALS: Procedural Sedation include ED Physicians, CC Physicians, other Physicians (any using PS), ED/CC Nurses, and other Nurses (any participating in PS).

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