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NAEMT Authorized Training Center

Code 3 Life is now a NAEMT Authorized Training Centre.


Introducing a comprehensive Active Shooter Preparedness and Response Course. Designed specifically for schools, educational institutions, and the workplace, our course provides the necessary knowledge, strategies, and skills to effectively respond to an active shooter situation, including hands-on scenario training, Krav Maga self-defense, and Stop the Bleed. 

SoCal CPR, First Aid, & AED Classes and Certification

Welcome to the official homepage of Code3Life, SoCals’s trusted provider of CPR, First Aid, and AED training and certifications. Our on-site and online courses provide American Heart Association-approved certifications and renewals.

Class Registration

sierra madre

49 West Sierra Madre Blvd
Sierra Madre, CA 91024


450 Rosewood Ave, Suite #102
Camarillo, CA 93010

Online & Group Training


Most of our courses are also available online for your comfort and convenience.


Require a training session for your team? Request a dedicated group training session.

Code 3 Angels is a non-profit organization bringing emergency medical services skills and training to people in developing nations and underprivileged communities throughout the United States.

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